SQC49-22-44 StripLoader Belt-Clip Style QuickCase
Package includes One (1) QuickLoad® QuickCase™ that fits with the StripLoader™ indicated below.
QuickLoad SQC QuickCases are Patented and designed for StripLoader speedloaders. These QuickCases take a flat format strip speedloader and turn it into a truly pocket or purse ready backup accessory.
Most SQC model QuickCases (sold separately or in Combo Packs) are of a simple one-piece design, protect cartridges from keys, change and debris, prevent cartridges from being inadvertently stripped-off the speedloader, keep the loads quiet from clinking or clanking against other items, and allow quick access when reloads are needed. This model is a 1-piece design to accommodate a variety of cartridge lengths. Some SQC QuickCases are semi-transparent to view the status of the loaded cartridges inside. Belt-style SQC QuickCases are worn with the StripLoader AT THE TOP (the clip comes from under the belt).
Note: StripLoader and ammo are not included
Please view the product video at YouTube.com/QuickLoad Revolver Speedloader StripLoader and YouTube.com/GunstuffTV/QuickLoad or scroll down to the imbedded video below.
Strip QuickCase model: SQC49-22-44 Belt-Clip style
Package Contains: SQC49-22-44 Belt-Clip style
This Strip QuickCase model fits StripLoader model: SL010-22M-10, SL016-327-8, SL022-357-7, SL024-357-8, SL029-44M-5, SL030-44M-6, SL035-410-5, SL036-410-6